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How to build upskilling strategies with AI

AI-powered platforms help HR professionals save time in developing upskilling strategies that effectively address industry-specific skill gaps, allowing for targeted learning experiences that were not conceivable before the integration of tech platforms into day-to-day operations. This technological advantage leads to a holistic approach that contributes to the achievement of both individual and organizational objectives. In this blog post, you’ll discover how to integrate AI into your upskilling initiatives to create a more engaged, capable, and resilient workforce. 

Benefits of AI-powered upskilling

First of all, tech-based upskilling is highly scalable. Digital platforms allow companies to simultaneously train hundreds or thousands of workers at the same time, no matter where they are located, so everyone on the team can learn from anywhere, at any time. Besides, the integration of AI allows for the exact measurement of results. Advanced analytics show progress and skill acquisition, which helps HR leaders figure out how much to spend on upskilling so they can confidently explain the cost of the whole strategy and find places where things could be better. According to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report 2024, aligning learning programs with business strategies is the top priority for HR leaders for the second year in a row, indicating a focus on developing comprehensive strategies that drive overall growth. 

Finally, we can't forget how a strategic upskilling approach improves retention rates. According to the same LinkedIn’s study, learning opportunities rank as the top retention strategy for 90% of companies. This finding supports the notion that business innovation, which drives company growth, encourages employees to stay and grow even more. 

Steps to build AI-powered upskilling strategies

1. Perform a skill mapping

According to a World Economic Forum (WEF) study, by 2025, 50% of all employees will require reskilling due to new technology adoption. This presents a chance to identify the skills that your team needs to acquire to maintain a competitive edge.  AI-driven platforms enable HR professionals to efficiently analyze large volumes of data and pinpoint trends and areas for improvement. This provides a strategic edge by focusing on future-readiness instead of simply filling present roles or addressing urgent requirements. Platforms like Adepti analyze your company's strengths and anticipate the ones needed to stay competitive, using machine learning to generate a comprehensive skill inventory and identify areas for improvement with precision.

So, how do you perform an AI-powered skill mapping? 

Selecting the correct tool is the first step. Look for platforms that can integrate with your HR systems, analyze job descriptions, and assess employee profiles to identify skills and competencies accurately. With the tool chosen, it’s time to collect data on your employees’ skills, qualifications, and job roles. This can include resumes, performance reviews, and digital footprints on internal platforms. But data isn’t anything without an in-depth analysis. AI can assist you in converting all the data into actionable insights. Go through the results of the data-gathering process and create a detailed inventory of existing skills within your organization. Advanced algorithms can detect patterns, recognize skill clusters, and highlight both prevalent skills and areas where skills are lacking. Now, identify skill gaps between the current skill sets and those required for future projects, roles, and strategic goals. Finally, determine where upskilling or reskilling is necessary by comparing employees' current skills with nearby skills they could reasonably acquire.

2. Develop personalized learning paths

Now that you have a clear understanding of the skills your workforce needs, it’s time to leverage technology to personalize learning paths. A personalized approach acknowledges that every employee has a different starting point, learns at a different pace, and has unique career aspirations. According to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report 2024, one of the top reasons why workers would spend more time learning is “if it is personalized for my interests and career goals.” 

How do you make learning paths that are unique to each person?

Skill mapping provides valuable insights about performance metrics, career aspirations, and feedback to understand individual strengths and areas for improvement. Analyze that information to pinpoint the specific skills and competencies each employee needs to develop. This might include technical skills, soft skills, or industry-specific knowledge critical for their role and future career path.

Now, choose from a range of upskilling modalities to best suit the individual's learning style and the skills they need to develop. This could include:

  • Online courses: For self-paced learning on a wide range of topics.
  • Workshops and seminars: For interactive, instructor-led training sessions.
  • Mentorship programs: To provide guidance, feedback, and career advice from more experienced professionals.
  • Project-based learning: For hands-on experience, applying new skills to real-world projects.

Consider making the content even more specific to the employee's current skill level, depending on the upskilling method, so that the learning is neither too easy nor too hard.

3. Implement and measure

Your upskilling strategy will only work if it fits with your business goals and is easy for people to access. You should also build a support system around it to make it work perfectly. Before implementing, set well-defined goals that outline what each upskilling program aims to achieve. Whether the goal is to fill in specific skill gaps, get people ready for upcoming projects, or improve digital literacy in general, clear goals guide both the design of the program and the way its success is measured.

Now, the implementation consists of ensuring accessibility, which involves choosing platforms that are user-friendly and available across devices, and ensuring content is inclusive and considers various learning preferences and needs. For mentorship and workshop programs, making them more accessible means getting rid of things that get in the way, like time and location limits. For project-based learning, the goal is to make sure that there is a clear path, goal, and set of metrics for the project, as well as a way to solve any problems that come up. Then, create a clear system for rewards and recognition for all types of upskilling activities. Incentives could range from formal certification and career advancement opportunities to more immediate rewards or promotions.  Finally, set clear metrics to measure success; this allows you to make adjustments to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the strategy. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) include:

  • Skill acquisition: Assessments before and after the completion of upskilling programs to measure the actual skills gained. 
  • Employee engagement: Engagement levels can be measured through participation rates, completion rates, and feedback surveys. 
  • Productivity improvements: Monitor changes in productivity metrics related to specific tasks or projects to measure newly acquired skills' practical application and impact.
  • Retention rates: Measure retention post-implementation and focus on job satisfaction and loyalty, attributed to investment in employee development.

Future-proof your workforce with skill-based talent management software

An AI-powered upskilling strategy goes beyond filling immediate skill gaps; it's a long-term plan for managing talent and growing the company. Adepti can adapt to the evolving needs of your workforce and the marketplace, ensuring that your organization remains competitive and innovative. Book a free demo now to create a culture of continuous learning that prepares your workforce for future challenges and opportunities. 

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Alex Hollander

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