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Maximizing career opportunities: 7 ways to advance employees

Employers who understand the importance of placing employee career advancement at the center of company policy are leaders. Why? Their employees anticipate it. Talented professionals want to work for a company that will help them advance their careers by enhancing their skills and knowledge.

Managers should not undervalue the importance of advancing the careers of their employees. If they do, they run the risk of undermining morale and productivity by making talented employees feel unappreciated. And in the long run, the company could lose these demoralized employees to competitors.

Consequently, with the start of a new year, demonstrate to your employees that their desire for professional growth is supported by both the company and their manager by implementing the following strategies for employee development:

1. Personalize your interest in employee career advancement

If you manage a hybride or remote team, you understand the importance of frequent communication with your employees. This interaction should include regular one-on-one meetings with team members so you can remain aware of their career aspirations and expectations. This kind of manager support can help your employees feel valued, leading to higher levels of productivity and commitment.

Assist your employees in outlining potential career paths within the organization, so that they can visualize their future with the business. Identify specific achievement milestones and the supporting resources that employees will likely require along the way. Employee engagement can be increased by clear, direct, and consistent communication from the boss regarding career advancement opportunities.

2. Encourage employee training and development

Training on the job and ongoing education contribute to the career advancement of employees. You should therefore encourage team members to enroll in relevant business courses and workshops that will advance their careers. Currently, virtual learning opportunities are a necessity for many teams, and fortunately, there are numerous inexpensive options available. (Remember that an investment in employee career development can yield a substantial return on investment for your business, even if budgets are tighter at the moment.)

In addition to nurturing individual needs and developing specific skills, assist your employees in staying abreast of industry-wide developments. Lunch-and-learn sessions featuring either external or internal guest speakers can be hosted via video for a low cost and are simple to organize. Also, provide employees with the time and flexibility to participate in industry events. Consider requesting that these employees share their newfound knowledge with their coworkers.

3. Promote job shadowing and mentoring

Establishing a formal mentoring program may be one of the smartest moves a company can make at any time, both for its own growth and for the growth of its employees. Additionally, mentoring can be an effective tool for onboarding remote employees.

Mentoring in the workplace is a two-way street, although it is commonly viewed as the transfer of knowledge from more experienced team members to less experienced employees. While senior staff members can provide less-experienced colleagues with hard-earned insights and professional guidance, they can also benefit from the fresh perspectives and technological expertise of less-seasoned employees.

4. Rotate employee positions

Job rotation is a smart way to shake up your employees' daily routines, as the human brain thrives on variety. Consider allowing employees to work in departments or positions that are distinct but related. (A program of job rotation can help facilitate this.) Your team members will gain new skills, a greater appreciation for their colleagues' responsibilities, and a deeper understanding of the business through these opportunities.

Job rotation can also be an effective means of fostering interdepartmental cooperation and fostering rapport within a distributed team. In addition, the organization will benefit from a more diverse workforce.

5. Encourage a work-life balance

Work ethic is necessary for career advancement, but that does not necessitate an interminable string of long workdays. Encourage your employees to work intelligently, maximize their efficiency, and save time and energy for extracurricular pursuits. This advice is particularly important for remote team members who may sometimes find it difficult to separate work and life.

The pandemic of COVID-19 has prompted many professionals to reevaluate their priorities. According to research conducted by our organization, forty percent of employees plan to prioritize their personal lives over their jobs in the future. This suggests that in the future, employers will be under even greater pressure to help employees achieve a desirable work-life balance.

Taking a proactive approach to the health of your team can also prevent stress levels from rising and leading to burnout. By adopting policies that promote a healthy work-life balance, you can boost employee morale. You will assist your employees in finding the time to perform their duties, attend to personal obligations, and even participate in professional development activities that will aid in their career advancement.

6. Illustrate the big picture

Reminding employees of their unique contributions to the company's mission gives their roles greater significance. Additionally, it can increase their motivation to increase their responsibilities and advance within the organization.

However, do not assume that they understand how their work contributes value. Inform employees on a regular basis how their day-to-day actions impact the organization. In your routine updates to team members, be sure to emphasize the company's progress toward its most important goals. And recognize specific employee achievements that are assisting the company in achieving its objectives.

7. Establish a program for succession planning

Succession planning can demonstrate to high-potential employees that you are not only willing to invest in their professional development, but also envision them as future business leaders. This is a persuasive message. Don't therefore put this essential process on the back burner. Create a succession plan for each of your organization's key positions. It can motivate employees to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for career advancement.

If your employees are aware of their manager's support, they will be better positioned to achieve their professional objectives. Even if your team is currently working remotely, it is still possible for the business to make professional development and career advancement top priorities. Focusing on employee career development can generate substantial and lasting benefits for your employees. It can also help your organization become more competitive.

Wrapping up

Supporting employee career progression is crucial for the success of any organization. Employers who invest in their employees' professional development can enhance their productivity, commitment, and morale. 

In this article, we have outlined seven ways to support employee career progression, including personalizing interest in employee career objectives, encouraging employee training and development, promoting job shadowing and mentoring, rotating employee positions, encouraging work-life balance, illustrating the big picture, and establishing a program for succession planning. By adopting these strategies, organizations can help their employees achieve their professional goals while also benefiting from a more skilled and engaged workforce.

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Joost Smit

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